Fußballweltmeisterschaft ? Airport slot für Airport Berlin u.a. oder Strafandrohung bis zu 50.000 EUR
Folgendes Fax erhielt ein Mitglied vor dem Abflug in Dubrovnik:
No match has been found between your flight plan ?????. and an airport slot.
No airport slot found.
Given the special situation at coordinated airports during the football world championships in Germany all airlines have been informed about.
We strongly recommend altering your flight plan. In case you proceed following your flight plan you are herewith informed that you violate council regulation 95/93 (EWG) and therefore your flight risks either not to be accepted at destination or be subject to a heavy fine of up to 50.000 EUR.
Operators of state aircraft and operators which are exempted from the obligation to request an airport slot (e.g. ambulance flights) may ignore this message.
This massage is generated automatically. Replies are not processed. In case of questions pls. contact airport coordinator Germany. Coordination and slot monitoring.. ATFN EDDFYHYX, SITA FRAZRXH.
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